
The Best Folding Treadmills for Runs, Jogs, and Walks, According to Experts

Find your perfect pace (without wasting space).

9 Best Folding Treadmills According to Experts in 2023

Courtesy of the brand / Wesley Hall

If you’re looking to make daily movement a bit more accessible—especially if you don’t have a ton of time (or space) to spare—a folding treadmill may be just what you need. It can easily store under your desk or bed when it’s not in use, and then slide right out to help you stay active on days with particularly busy schedules or bad weather. Plus, this compact piece of equipment tends to be more budget-friendly than higher-end smart treadmills, like ones from Peloton or ProForm. To help you find the best folding treadmill for your home gym, office, or living room, we reached out to fitness experts for advice.

What to consider when shopping for a folding treadmill

Think about your fitness goals and how you’ll use the treadmill, Sean Penwell, MD, ACSM-certified personal trainer and CEO of Healthstar Co, tells SELF. Are you getting back into a cardio workout routine and just need an easy-to-use treadmill for walking or slower jogging? Are you mainly looking for a super-compact option to pair with your standing desk? Or maybe you’re short on floor space but still want to do some running. Once you get a better idea of your priorities, then you can focus on more specific features to make your final choice.

Speed settings

The speed range of the treadmill will dictate what kind of workouts you can do. “Some compact folding treadmills are small and sleek, but top out at just three miles per hour (mph),” Dr. Penwell says. For most people, that’s regular walking speed, so don’t expect to do anything brisker with those machines (even light jogs would probably be off the table). “And if you’re already running an eight-minute mile, you’ll want a treadmill that can go at least 7.5 mph,” he says.


You don’t want to end up with a treadmill that’s too big for your home—so be sure to measure the area where you plan to use and store it, then cross-reference those specs with dimensions of the tread itself, Sydney Bueckert, NASM-CPT, lead in-house fitness instructor at Sunny Health & Fitness in California, tells SELF. That way you can enjoy the treadmill and tuck it away without hassle. Bonus points if it has wheels: “Heavy lifting or complicated maneuvering is just one more barrier to getting your workout in, so checking for something as silly and simple as wheels can really improve your at-home experience,” she says.


Then there’s the shape of your treadmill—you may need to put aside more room than you think, depending on how your machine compacts. “Very few modern treadmills fold completely up and will be more of a V-shape,” Garret Seacat, CSCS, head coach of Absolute Endurance in Manhattan, Kansas, tells SELF. That means it’ll need to be stored upright, with enough vertical and horizontal space to accommodate its shape. A machine that folds flat, on the other hand, should be able to fit under furniture or in smaller upright areas.

Additional features

Next, look at your treadmill’s incline capabilities. Some machines have a manual incline—meaning you’ll have to physically get off the treadmill to change the degree—while others have automatic adjustments. Many folding treadmills don’t offer a huge range of incline levels, but if you’re hoping for a more challenging home workout, it may be worth looking into this option.

It’s also important to note that folding treadmills often have lighter maximum user weight limitations compared to non-folding models, because they’re built for portability as opposed to sturdiness. Folding treads generally range between 200 and 300 pounds, whereas the weight capacity of traditional or higher-end treadmills can be up to 350 pounds, depending on the brand.

Depending on how you plan to use your home treadmill, there are other details you may want to look for too. Dr. Penwall specifically points to app compatibility, live-streaming classes, and access to online communities where you can share your fitness goals and progress with other users.

Our top picks:

  1. Best Overall: NordicTrack EXP 7i, $1,299
  2. Best for Beginners: Horizon T101 Treadmill, $1,000
  3. Best Flat-Folding: Sunny Health & Fitness SF-T7718 Pro Treadmill, $700
  4. Best for Walking: Sunny Health & Fitness SF-T7945 Walkstation Slim Treadmill, $370
  5. Best Budget: Goplus 2-in-1 Folding Treadmill, $300
  6. Best Smart Model: Echelon Stride-S, $1,300

The best folding treadmills

Now that you have a better idea of what to expect from a folding treadmill—and which features might be more important for your individual goals—take a look at the best options from top brands and retailers (Amazon, NordicTrack, Horizon, and more) according to fitness experts.

All products featured on SELF are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

  • Best Overall: NordicTrack EXP 7i”,”dek”:[“div”,[“ul”,[“li”,[“strong”,”Pros:”],” Sleek touchscreen display, assisted folding mechanism”],[“li”,[“strong”,”Cons:”],” No option to connect personal devices”]],[“p”,”If you’re hoping to log some fast miles on your treadmill and still save space, consider the NordicTrack EXP 7i. “The product is durable and is simply one of the “,[“a”,{“href”:””,”target”:”_blank”},”best treadmills”],” available, folding or not,” “,[“a”,{“href”:””,”target”:”_blank”},”DJ Mazzoni, MS, CSCS”],”, personal trainer and medical reviewer at “,[“a”,{“href”:””,”target”:”_blank”},”Illuminate Labs”],”, tells SELF. With this compact treadmill, you can enjoy unlimited trainer-led workouts through iFit and stream them on the tread’s seven-inch HD touchscreen. Although it doesn’t fold completely flat, it does store upright when not in use.”],[“ul”,[“li”,[“strong”,”Membership and app options:”],” This treadmill comes with a free 30-day iFit membership (normally $180 per year). | “,[“strong”,”Folding options:”],” upright | “,[“strong”,”Max speed:”],” 10 mph | “,[“strong”,”Max incline:”],” 12% | “,[“strong”,”Weight capacity:”],” 300 pounds”]]],”functionalTags”:[],”id”:”656890bfc97df914b3faa238″,”isHedClickable”:false,”isPromotion”:null,”name”:null,”offers”:[{“offerUrl”:””,”price”:”$1,299″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:””,”reducedPrice”:”$1,199″,”sellerName”:”NordicTrack”,”countryCode”:””},{“offerUrl”:””,”price”:”$2,000″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:””,”reducedPrice”:”$1,100″,”sellerName”:”Dick's”,”countryCode”:””}],”promotionHed”:null,”promotionText”:null,”socialIconsProps”:{“links”:[{“network”:”Pinterest”,”label”:”Post to Pinterest”,”url”:””}]},”itemSocialSharesProps”:{“showBookmark”:false,”links”:[]},”showLocalisedOffers”:true,”isUpcEnabled”:true,”index”:0,”order”:0,”totalCount”:9,”preHeaderOne”:”1″,”showOrderedGallery”:true,”hasAffiliateLinkDisabled”:false}”>


    Best Overall: NordicTrack EXP 7i

    • Pros: Sleek touchscreen display, assisted folding mechanism
    • Cons: No option to connect personal devices

    If you’re hoping to log some fast miles on your treadmill and still save space, consider the NordicTrack EXP 7i. “The product is durable and is simply one of the best treadmills available, folding or not,” DJ Mazzoni, MS, CSCS, personal trainer and medical reviewer at Illuminate Labs, tells SELF. With this compact treadmill, you can enjoy unlimited trainer-led workouts through iFit and stream them on the tread’s seven-inch HD touchscreen. Although it doesn’t fold completely flat, it does store upright when not in use.

    • Membership and app options: This treadmill comes with a free 30-day iFit membership (normally $180 per year). | Folding options: upright | Max speed: 10 mph | Max incline: 12% | Weight capacity: 300 pounds
  • Best for Beginners: Horizon T101 Treadmill”,”dek”:[“div”,[“ul”,[“li”,[“strong”,”Pros:”],” Bluetooth connectivity, assisted folding mechanism”],[“li”,[“strong”,”Cons:”],” Somewhat heavy”]],[“p”,”“This no-frills treadmill is excellent for beginners, but even the most avid runners can find something to like about it,” Seacat says, adding that it has a classic folding mechanism and enough updated features—like Bluetooth speakers and one-touch setting controls—to keep it current. The Horizon tread provides cushioning on its running surface, which can help reduce impact on your joints. It also includes a tablet mount with charging ports, so you can stream your favorite Netflix show or fitness class on your own device.”],[“ul”,[“li”,[“strong”,”Membership and app options:”],” N/A | “,[“strong”,”Folding options:”],” upright | “,[“strong”,”Max speed:”],” 10 mph | “,[“strong”,”Max incline:”],” 10% | “,[“strong”,”Weight capacity:”],” 300 pounds”]]],”functionalTags”:[],”id”:”656891a1ddc7105221f02a5d”,”isHedClickable”:false,”isPromotion”:null,”name”:null,”offers”:[{“offerUrl”:””,”price”:”$999″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:””,”reducedPrice”:”$699″,”sellerName”:”Horizon Fitness”,”countryCode”:””},{“offerUrl”:””,”price”:”$1,000″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:””,”reducedPrice”:”$600″,”sellerName”:”Dick's”,”countryCode”:””}],”promotionHed”:null,”promotionText”:null,”socialIconsProps”:{“links”:[{“network”:”Pinterest”,”label”:”Post to Pinterest”,”url”:””}]},”itemSocialSharesProps”:{“showBookmark”:false,”links”:[]},”showLocalisedOffers”:true,”isUpcEnabled”:true,”index”:1,”order”:1,”totalCount”:9,”preHeaderOne”:”2″,”showOrderedGallery”:true,”hasAffiliateLinkDisabled”:false}”>


    Best for Beginners: Horizon T101 Treadmill

    • Pros: Bluetooth connectivity, assisted folding mechanism
    • Cons: Somewhat heavy

    “This no-frills treadmill is excellent for beginners, but even the most avid runners can find something to like about it,” Seacat says, adding that it has a classic folding mechanism and enough updated features—like Bluetooth speakers and one-touch setting controls—to keep it current. The Horizon tread provides cushioning on its running surface, which can help reduce impact on your joints. It also includes a tablet mount with charging ports, so you can stream your favorite Netflix show or fitness class on your own device.

    • Membership and app options: N/A | Folding options: upright | Max speed: 10 mph | Max incline: 10% | Weight capacity: 300 pounds
  • Best Flat-Folding: Sunny Health & Fitness SF-T7718 Pro Treadmill”,”dek”:[“div”,[“ul”,[“li”,[“strong”,”Pros:”],” Good for small spaces, arrives assembled”],[“li”,[“strong”,”Cons:”],” Not as sturdy as other running treadmills”]],[“p”,”Because they tend to be lighter than treads that store upright, ones that fold flat are considered sturdy enough for walking, but not great for running. This Sunny Health & Fitness treadmill breaks the mold: You can store it under a bed or couch, but it has a speed range that should suit most runners. Bueckert adds that it offers some unique nice-to-have features, including ports for USB and headphone cables, a device holder, and nine pre-set workout programs.”],[“ul”,[“li”,[“strong”,”Membership and app options:”],” This treadmill comes with access to the SunnyFit App, which tracks metrics like speed, distance, time, pulse, and steps. | “,[“strong”,”Folding options”],”: flat | “,[“strong”,”Max speed:”],” 9 mph | “,[“strong”,”Max incline:”],” fixed | “,[“strong”,”Weight capacity:”],” 250 pounds”]]],”functionalTags”:[],”id”:”65689217ddc7105221f02a5e”,”isHedClickable”:false,”isPromotion”:null,”name”:null,”offers”:[{“offerUrl”:”″,”price”:”$565″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:””,”reducedPrice”:”$460″,”sellerName”:”Walmart”,”countryCode”:””},{“offerUrl”:””,”price”:”$700″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:””,”reducedPrice”:”$630″,”sellerName”:”Dick's”,”countryCode”:””}],”promotionHed”:null,”promotionText”:null,”socialIconsProps”:{“links”:[{“network”:”Pinterest”,”label”:”Post to Pinterest”,”url”:””}]},”itemSocialSharesProps”:{“showBookmark”:false,”links”:[]},”showLocalisedOffers”:true,”isUpcEnabled”:true,”index”:2,”order”:2,”totalCount”:9,”preHeaderOne”:”3″,”showOrderedGallery”:true,”hasAffiliateLinkDisabled”:false}”>


    Best Flat-Folding: Sunny Health & Fitness SF-T7718 Pro Treadmill

    • Pros: Good for small spaces, arrives assembled
    • Cons: Not as sturdy as other running treadmills

    Because they tend to be lighter than treads that store upright, ones that fold flat are considered sturdy enough for walking, but not great for running. This Sunny Health & Fitness treadmill breaks the mold: You can store it under a bed or couch, but it has a speed range that should suit most runners. Bueckert adds that it offers some unique nice-to-have features, including ports for USB and headphone cables, a device holder, and nine pre-set workout programs.

    • Membership and app options: This treadmill comes with access to the SunnyFit App, which tracks metrics like speed, distance, time, pulse, and steps. | Folding options: flat | Max speed: 9 mph | Max incline: fixed | Weight capacity: 250 pounds
  • Best for Walking: Sunny Health & Fitness SF-T7945 Walkstation Slim Treadmill”,”dek”:[“div”,[“ul”,[“li”,[“strong”,”Pros:”],” Remote-controlled, lightweight”],[“li”,[“strong”,”Cons:”],” Lower weight capacity”]],[“p”,”Given its lower maximum speed, the Walkstation Slim Treadmill is an especially good pick for anyone who likes to stroll while they work or is just getting into “,[“a”,{“href”:””,”target”:”_blank”},”walking workouts”],”. It tops out at a brisk walking speed, so it’s made to help you log some steps and get your heart rate up in a low-impact way. “And because of its compact size, it’s easy to move around or roll right into storage,” Bueckert adds.”],[“ul”,[“li”,[“strong”,”Membership and app options:”],” N/A | “,[“strong”,”Folding options:”],” flat | “,[“strong”,”Max speed:”],” 3.75 mph | “,[“strong”,”Max incline:”],” fixed | “,[“strong”,”Weight capacity:”],” 220 pounds”]]],”functionalTags”:[],”id”:”656892aee68b8ce02de9d6f7″,”isHedClickable”:false,”isPromotion”:null,”name”:null,”offers”:[{“offerUrl”:”″,”price”:”$370″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:””,”reducedPrice”:”$250″,”sellerName”:”Amazon”,”countryCode”:””}],”promotionHed”:null,”promotionText”:null,”socialIconsProps”:{“links”:[{“network”:”Pinterest”,”label”:”Post to Pinterest”,”url”:””}]},”itemSocialSharesProps”:{“showBookmark”:false,”links”:[]},”showLocalisedOffers”:true,”isUpcEnabled”:true,”index”:3,”order”:3,”totalCount”:9,”preHeaderOne”:”4″,”showOrderedGallery”:true,”hasAffiliateLinkDisabled”:false}”>


    Best for Walking: Sunny Health & Fitness SF-T7945 Walkstation Slim Treadmill

    • Pros: Remote-controlled, lightweight
    • Cons: Lower weight capacity

    Given its lower maximum speed, the Walkstation Slim Treadmill is an especially good pick for anyone who likes to stroll while they work or is just getting into walking workouts. It tops out at a brisk walking speed, so it’s made to help you log some steps and get your heart rate up in a low-impact way. “And because of its compact size, it’s easy to move around or roll right into storage,” Bueckert adds.

    • Membership and app options: N/A | Folding options: flat | Max speed: 3.75 mph | Max incline: fixed | Weight capacity: 220 pounds
  • Best Budget: Goplus 2-in-1 Folding Treadmill”,”dek”:[“div”,[“ul”,[“li”,[“strong”,”Pros:”],” Suitable for both walking and jogging, relatively lightweight”],[“li”,[“strong”,”Cons:”],” Not suitable for fast runs”]],[“p”,”The Goplus 2-in-1 Folding Treadmill is not only compact and more affordable than other models, but it also has a surprisingly versatile design. When the handrail is raised, the treadmill is in jogging mode and its maximum speed increases. When the handrail is down, the walking mode kicks in and the top speed decreases (making it a great option for an under-desk treadmill). It’s also built to be relatively unobtrusive in your home, as it weighs 70 pounds and has a very quiet 2.25 HP motor. If you’re hoping to walk or run more without dropping a ton of money, this Goplus tread is a solid option.”],[“ul”,[“li”,[“strong”,”Membership and app options:”],” This treadmill has connection capabilities with Goplus’s Gymax app, which allows you to record performance metrics, switch speed units from miles to kilometers, and interact with fellow runners. | “,[“strong”,”Folding options:”],” flat | “,[“strong”,”Max speed:”],” 7.5 mph | “,[“strong”,”Incline range:”],” fixed | “,[“strong”,”Weight capacity:”],” 265 pounds”]]],”functionalTags”:[],”id”:”65689374ddc7105221f02a61″,”isHedClickable”:false,”isPromotion”:null,”name”:null,”offers”:[{“offerUrl”:”″,”price”:”$300″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:””,”reducedPrice”:”$280″,”sellerName”:”Amazon”,”countryCode”:””}],”promotionHed”:null,”promotionText”:null,”socialIconsProps”:{“links”:[{“network”:”Pinterest”,”label”:”Post to Pinterest”,”url”:””}]},”itemSocialSharesProps”:{“showBookmark”:false,”links”:[]},”showLocalisedOffers”:true,”isUpcEnabled”:true,”index”:4,”order”:4,”totalCount”:9,”preHeaderOne”:”5″,”showOrderedGallery”:true,”hasAffiliateLinkDisabled”:false}”>


    Best Budget: Goplus 2-in-1 Folding Treadmill

    • Pros: Suitable for both walking and jogging, relatively lightweight
    • Cons: Not suitable for fast runs

    The Goplus 2-in-1 Folding Treadmill is not only compact and more affordable than other models, but it also has a surprisingly versatile design. When the handrail is raised, the treadmill is in jogging mode and its maximum speed increases. When the handrail is down, the walking mode kicks in and the top speed decreases (making it a great option for an under-desk treadmill). It’s also built to be relatively unobtrusive in your home, as it weighs 70 pounds and has a very quiet 2.25 HP motor. If you’re hoping to walk or run more without dropping a ton of money, this Goplus tread is a solid option.

    • Membership and app options: This treadmill has connection capabilities with Goplus’s Gymax app, which allows you to record performance metrics, switch speed units from miles to kilometers, and interact with fellow runners. | Folding options: flat | Max speed: 7.5 mph | Incline range: fixed | Weight capacity: 265 pounds
  • Best Smart Model: Echelon Stride-S”,”dek”:[“div”,[“ul”,[“li”,[“strong”,”Pros:”],” Very comfortable running deck, assisted folding mechanism”],[“li”,[“strong”,”Cons:”],” Pricey”]],[“p”,”A “,[“a”,{“href”:”″,”target”:”_blank”},”2023 SELF Home Fitness Award–winner”],”, the Echelon Stride-S has live and on-demand classes available through the brand’s membership program, which also allows you to interact with fellow users and follow your progress on the community leaderboard. It has other techy features like handrail sensors, a 10-inch touchscreen, and a lever for automatic folding. However, its cushioned running deck is what won our tester’s heart: “It has such great shock absorption that I feel amazing once I’m done.””],[“ul”,[“li”,[“strong”,”Membership and app options:”],” This treadmill is compatible with the Echelon Premier Membership, which costs $40 per month on a monthly plan. | “,[“strong”,”Folding options:”],” flat | “,[“strong”,”Max speed:”],” 12 mph | “,[“strong”,”Incline range:”],” 10% | “,[“strong”,”Weight capacity:”],” 300 pounds”]]],”functionalTags”:[],”id”:”65689491f15ee2e6594b8a51″,”isHedClickable”:false,”isPromotion”:null,”name”:null,”offers”:[{“offerUrl”:”″,”price”:”$1,300″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:””,”sellerName”:”Amazon”,”countryCode”:””,”reducedPrice”:””}],”promotionHed”:null,”promotionText”:null,”socialIconsProps”:{“links”:[{“network”:”Pinterest”,”label”:”Post to Pinterest”,”url”:””}]},”itemSocialSharesProps”:{“showBookmark”:false,”links”:[]},”showLocalisedOffers”:true,”isUpcEnabled”:true,”index”:5,”order”:5,”totalCount”:9,”preHeaderOne”:”6″,”showOrderedGallery”:true,”hasAffiliateLinkDisabled”:false}”>


    Best Smart Model: Echelon Stride-S

    • Pros: Very comfortable running deck, assisted folding mechanism
    • Cons: Pricey

    A 2023 SELF Home Fitness Award–winner, the Echelon Stride-S has live and on-demand classes available through the brand’s membership program, which also allows you to interact with fellow users and follow your progress on the community leaderboard. It has other techy features like handrail sensors, a 10-inch touchscreen, and a lever for automatic folding. However, its cushioned running deck is what won our tester’s heart: “It has such great shock absorption that I feel amazing once I’m done.”

    • Membership and app options: This treadmill is compatible with the Echelon Premier Membership, which costs $40 per month on a monthly plan. | Folding options: flat | Max speed: 12 mph | Incline range: 10% | Weight capacity: 300 pounds
  • Best for Vertical Storage: WalkingPad R2 Walk&Run 2IN1 Foldable Treadmill”,”dek”:[“div”,[“ul”,[“li”,[“strong”,”Pros:”],” Remote-controlled, good for small spaces”],[“li”,[“strong”,”Cons:”],” Small wheels can make it difficult to maneuver”]],[“p”,”The WalkingPad has achieved TikTok fame and glory in the last couple years for its space-saving design, ease of use, and the boost it adds to users’ WFH days (some fans “,[“a”,{“href”:”″,”target”:”_blank”},”hop on”],” “,[“em”,”during”],” Zoom meetings, while others use it as a welcome “,[“a”,{“href”:”″,”target”:”_blank”},”distraction”],”). Its running surface provides plenty of shock absorption and has a unique step sensor that automatically adjusts its speed to match your steps. Plus, you can store either it vertically or flat under furniture.”],[“ul”,[“li”,[“strong”,”Membership and app options:”],” You can adjust your speed and view your time, speed, and steps using the KS Fit app. | “,[“strong”,”Folding options:”],” flat | “,[“strong”,”Max speed:”],” 7.45 mph | “,[“strong”,”Max incline:”],” fixed | “,[“strong”,”Weight capacity:”],” 240 pounds”]]],”functionalTags”:[],”id”:”65689a83e68b8ce02de9d6f8″,”isHedClickable”:false,”isPromotion”:null,”name”:null,”offers”:[{“offerUrl”:””,”price”:”$999″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:””,”reducedPrice”:”$799″,”sellerName”:”Walking Pad”,”countryCode”:””},{“offerUrl”:”″,”price”:”$800″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:””,”sellerName”:”Lowes”,”countryCode”:””,”reducedPrice”:””}],”promotionHed”:null,”promotionText”:null,”socialIconsProps”:{“links”:[{“network”:”Pinterest”,”label”:”Post to Pinterest”,”url”:””}]},”itemSocialSharesProps”:{“showBookmark”:false,”links”:[]},”showLocalisedOffers”:true,”isUpcEnabled”:true,”index”:6,”order”:6,”totalCount”:9,”preHeaderOne”:”7″,”showOrderedGallery”:true,”hasAffiliateLinkDisabled”:false}”>


    Best for Vertical Storage: WalkingPad R2 Walk&Run 2IN1 Foldable Treadmill

    • Pros: Remote-controlled, good for small spaces
    • Cons: Small wheels can make it difficult to maneuver

    The WalkingPad has achieved TikTok fame and glory in the last couple years for its space-saving design, ease of use, and the boost it adds to users’ WFH days (some fans hop on during Zoom meetings, while others use it as a welcome distraction). Its running surface provides plenty of shock absorption and has a unique step sensor that automatically adjusts its speed to match your steps. Plus, you can store either it vertically or flat under furniture.

    • Membership and app options: You can adjust your speed and view your time, speed, and steps using the KS Fit app. | Folding options: flat | Max speed: 7.45 mph | Max incline: fixed | Weight capacity: 240 pounds
  • Best for Quick Workouts: Sunny Health & Fitness SF-T7603 Motorized Folding Treadmill”,”dek”:[“div”,[“ul”,[“li”,[“strong”,”Pros:”],” Straightforward programs, assisted folding mechanism”],[“li”,[“strong”,”Cons:”],” Lower weight capacity”]],[“p”,[“a”,{“href”:””,”target”:”_blank”},”Victoria Brady, ACE-CPT”],”, a personal trainer for Fyt, likes this model from Sunny Health & Fitness for its built-in workouts, which allow you to simply lace up your “,[“a”,{“href”:””,”target”:”_blank”},”running shoes”],”, choose which preset program sounds good, and get moving. For those curious about their fitness specs and metrics, the handlebars on this treadmill not only feature speed and incline setting buttons, but they can measure your heart rate with a touch too. All that helpful info is viewable on the machine’s LCD screen.”],[“ul”,[“li”,[“strong”,”Membership and app options:”],” N/A | “,[“strong”,”Folding options:”],” upright | “,[“strong”,”Max speed:”],” 9 mph | “,[“strong”,”Max incline:”],” 4.4% | “,[“strong”,”Weight capacity:”],” 220 pounds”]]],”functionalTags”:[],”id”:”65689b3b37b25458d710dfed”,”isHedClickable”:false,”isPromotion”:null,”name”:null,”offers”:[{“offerUrl”:”″,”price”:”$700″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:””,”reducedPrice”:”$550″,”sellerName”:”Amazon”,”countryCode”:””},{“offerUrl”:””,”price”:”$450″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:””,”reducedPrice”:”$390″,”sellerName”:”Dick's”,”countryCode”:””}],”promotionHed”:null,”promotionText”:null,”socialIconsProps”:{“links”:[{“network”:”Pinterest”,”label”:”Post to Pinterest”,”url”:””}]},”itemSocialSharesProps”:{“showBookmark”:false,”links”:[]},”showLocalisedOffers”:true,”isUpcEnabled”:true,”index”:7,”order”:7,”totalCount”:9,”preHeaderOne”:”8″,”showOrderedGallery”:true,”hasAffiliateLinkDisabled”:false}”>


    Best for Quick Workouts: Sunny Health & Fitness SF-T7603 Motorized Folding Treadmill

    • Pros: Straightforward programs, assisted folding mechanism
    • Cons: Lower weight capacity

    Victoria Brady, ACE-CPT, a personal trainer for Fyt, likes this model from Sunny Health & Fitness for its built-in workouts, which allow you to simply lace up your running shoes, choose which preset program sounds good, and get moving. For those curious about their fitness specs and metrics, the handlebars on this treadmill not only feature speed and incline setting buttons, but they can measure your heart rate with a touch too. All that helpful info is viewable on the machine’s LCD screen.

    • Membership and app options: N/A | Folding options: upright | Max speed: 9 mph | Max incline: 4.4% | Weight capacity: 220 pounds
  • Best for Taller People: Xterra Fitness TRX3500 Folding Treadmill”,”dek”:[“div”,[“ul”,[“li”,[“strong”,”Pros:”],” Spacious running belt, Bluetooth connectivity”],[“li”,[“strong”,”Cons:”],” Heavy”]],[“p”,”Another top pick of Seacat’s is the Xterra TRX3500. It has a larger, 60-inch running deck that can feel more comfortable for taller people with a longer stride. Best of all, the treadmill has “,[“a”,{“href”:””,”target”:”_blank”},”Bluetooth”],” speakers and it can connect to community-based “,[“a”,{“href”:””,”target”:”_blank”},”fitness apps”],” like Zwift, “To allow you to race against friends and other runners in a digital world,” says Seacat. However you like to work out, you can enjoy straightforward and motivating exercise programs on the 6.5-inch LCD display.”],[“ul”,[“li”,[“strong”,”Membership and app options:”],” This treadmill is compatible with a range of third-party fitness apps, including Zwift, Tacx, and Kinomap. | “,[“strong”,”Folding options:”],” upright | “,[“strong”,”Max speed:”],” 12 mph | “,[“strong”,”Max incline:”],” 12% | “,[“strong”,”Weight capacity:”],” 350 pounds”]]],”functionalTags”:[],”id”:”65689c06616e3701b5732b25″,”isHedClickable”:false,”isPromotion”:null,”name”:null,”offers”:[{“offerUrl”:”″,”price”:”$899″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:””,”sellerName”:”Amazon”,”countryCode”:””,”reducedPrice”:””},{“offerUrl”:”″,”price”:”$1,800″,”currency”:”USD”,”purchaseUri”:””,”reducedPrice”:”$899″,”sellerName”:”Walmart”,”countryCode”:””}],”promotionHed”:null,”promotionText”:null,”socialIconsProps”:{“links”:[{“network”:”Pinterest”,”label”:”Post to Pinterest”,”url”:””}]},”itemSocialSharesProps”:{“showBookmark”:false,”links”:[]},”showLocalisedOffers”:true,”isUpcEnabled”:true,”index”:8,”order”:8,”totalCount”:9,”preHeaderOne”:”9″,”showOrderedGallery”:true,”hasAffiliateLinkDisabled”:false}”>


    Best for Taller People: Xterra Fitness TRX3500 Folding Treadmill

    • Pros: Spacious running belt, Bluetooth connectivity
    • Cons: Heavy

    Another top pick of Seacat’s is the Xterra TRX3500. It has a larger, 60-inch running deck that can feel more comfortable for taller people with a longer stride. Best of all, the treadmill has Bluetooth speakers and it can connect to community-based fitness apps like Zwift, “To allow you to race against friends and other runners in a digital world,” says Seacat. However you like to work out, you can enjoy straightforward and motivating exercise programs on the 6.5-inch LCD display.

    • Membership and app options: This treadmill is compatible with a range of third-party fitness apps, including Zwift, Tacx, and Kinomap. | Folding options: upright | Max speed: 12 mph | Max incline: 12% | Weight capacity: 350 pounds

Sara Coughlin is a writer and editor with ample experience covering health and wellness trends. As SELF’s senior commerce writer, she’s taken a special interest in skin care, outdoor recreation, sleep, fitness gear and apparel, and more.

SELF does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional.

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